Senin, 03 November 2014


If you look at the front of large, modern hospital, you may notice that there are two separate entrances. One is for patience in need of immediate treatment, it is the emergency entrance. Here ambulances are seen pulling up at any hour of the day or night. The other is the hospital main entrance.
In the ground floor inside main entrance there are reception area, waiting room, and also office. On the floors above and below are the numerous floors will be a maternity section for mothers and their babies. Their rooms are usually kept separate from the rest of the hospital, so that the babies do not catch other people’s illness.
The rooms from other patients are usually on the higher floors. There are small rooms for just one patient, slightly larger rooms for two, three or four patients, and larger rooms called wards, in which as many as 40 or 50 patients may lie in rows or beds. On other floors are the operating rooms, called operating theatres, and special departments such as the radiography department, where x-rays are taken and developed.
In the laboratories, special tests are carried out on body tissues and fluids to find out patients’ disease. The pharmacy supplies the drugs to treat transfusions. Here too are the sterilizing theatres and the wards which are cleaned and made free from germs.

1. Where do you can find the reception area in a modern hospital?
a.   On the ground floor
b.  On the floors above
c.   On the second floor
d.  Near the maternity section
e.   At the emergency entrance

2. X-rays are taken and developed in the ……….
a.   Laboratories                             d. Maternity section
b.  Operating theatres                   e. Radiography department
c.   Emergency section

2. The…are located on the same floor
a.   Laundry and the maternity section
b.  Waiting room, the laboratory and operating room
c.   Radiography room
d.  The pharmacy
e.   The sterilizing theatres

3. The main idea of the first paragraph is …
a.   Modern hospital
b.  Operating theatres
c.   The rooms for patients
d.  The two kinds of entrances
e.   The location of departments

4. The operating room in the modern hospital is also called…
a.   Operating theatre
b.  Operating place
c.   Operating centre
d.  Operating rest
e.   Operating system

5. If you look at the front of large, modern hospital, you may notice that there are two separate entrances.
      The underlined word means…
a.   Find out
b.  See
c.   Carry
d.  Hear
e.   Smell

6.  The rooms from other patients are usually on the higher floors. There are small rooms for just one patient, slightly larger rooms for two, three or four patients, and larger rooms called wards, in which as many as 40 or 50 patients may lie in rows or beds.
    The antonym of the underlined word (SMALL) is…
a.   Tall          b. Thin             c. Big               d. Bad      e. Narrow

Last week I went on a day trip with my friend to the zoo. I wanted to see some lions and bears. My friend had been before, so knew the way around the zoo. First we saw a monkey who had really long hair. As we walked around the zoo we could hear a loud noise, it was a pair of love-birds. They were scared by a plane flying above them. At the end of the day we went to leave the zoo by the exit. A man said we could try and win a pair of tickets to the zoo for another visit.

7. What do you think of ZOO?
a. A place for such kinds of animals
b. A place to plant such kind of trees
c. A place to keep such kinds of fishes
d. A place to eat such kinds of meal
e. A place to watch such kinds of films

8. What is the suitable title for the text?
a. Going to watch animal
b. Going to the zoo
c. Spend our time to travel
d. The time for holiday
e. Seeing animal is interesting

9. What did the writer do at the end of the day?
a. Went to the zoo
b. Traveled for holiday
c. Went to leave the zoo
d. Spent the time
e. A, B, C, and D are wrong

10. What kind of TENSES that mostly used in the text above?
a. Present Tense
b. Present Continuous Tense
c. Past Tense
d. Past Continuous Tense
e. Present Future Tense

11. The type of the text is…
a. Narrative
b. Anecdote
c. Recount
d. Descriptive
e. Procedure

12. The purpose of the text above is…
a. to explain of an event
b. to retell of an event
c. to share of an event
d. to discuss of an event
e. to describe of an event

13. ……As we walked around the zoo we could hear a loud noise, it was a pair of love-birds.
      The undelined word (HEAR) means…
a. Talk         b. Calm            c. See       d. Smell           e. Listen

One of the best known international radio services is the BBC World Service. The name BBC is short British Broadcasting Corporation. The world Service started in 1935 in order to provide news for Britain’s colonies overseas. Its headquarters in Bush House, a large building in London.
The world service Broadcasting programmes in 37 languages, including English. It broadcasting programmes in English 24 hours a day about 25 million listeners. Its programmes focus on news and current affairs, but it also has programmes on music, science, sports and drama.
The BBC gets its now in two ways. Firstly, it has reporters in most countries of the world. These people report what is happening in these countries. The second way, the BBC gets its news is by listening to other radio stations all over the world. The BBC listens to Indonesian radio to find out what is happening in Indonesia. For example, if there is report of a head quake in Sumatra on Indonesian radio, the BBC will tell its reporter to go there and collect news.
The world Service is very useful for learners of English. They can listen to English and practice their listening skills. They can also note down the pronunciation, of words and even learn new words.

14.  How long does BBC World Service broadcasting programmes in English?
  It broadcasts … hours a day.
a.   20                 b. 37           c. 24             d. 26                e. 28

15. Its programmes focus on news and current affairs, but it also has programmes on music, science, sports and drama..
      The word Its in the sentence refers to……….
a. Bush house
b. London
c. BBC
d. Program
e. News

16. BBC World Service has programmes …
a.   science, music, advertisement, trade, drama
b.  music, science, sport, movie, drama
c.   sport, drama, science, music
d.  music, advertisement, trade, music
e.   drama, culture, science, sport, music

17.      World Service deals mainly with …
a.   science and drama                        d. drama and news 
b.  news and music                    e. news and current affairs
c.   current affairs and music
18. The world Service is very useful for learners of English. They can listen to English and practice their listening skills (last paragraph).
They can also note down the pronunciation, of words and even learn new words.
      Synonym of the underlined word (learners) is…
a.   Teachers                        c. Students              e. Fasilitators
b.  People                    d. Operators

19. The world Service is very useful for learners of English. They can listen to English and practice their listening skills. They can also note down the pronunciation, of words and even learn new words.
      The underlined word (THEY) refers to…
a.   Learners                 c. Reporters             e. Speakers
b.  The world service   d. Listeners

One day, Nasreddin was up on the roof of his house, mending a hole in the tiles. He had nearly finished, and he was pleased with his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice below call "Hello!" When he looked down, Nasreddin saw an old man in dirty clothes standing below. "What do you want?" asked Nasreddin. "Come down and I'll tell you," called the man. Nasreddin was annoyed, but he was a polite man, so he put down his tools. Carefully, he climbed all the way down to the ground. "What do you want?" he asked, when he reached the ground. "Could you spare a little money for an old beggar?" asked the old man. Nasreddin thought for a minute. Then he said, "Come with me." He began climbing the ladder again. The old man followed him all the way to the top. When they were both sitting on the roof, Nasreddin turned to the beggar. "No," he said.

20. Why was Nasreddin on the roof of his house?
a.   He was looking at the view
b.  He was waiting for the old man
c.   He was fixing the roof
d.  He was resting
e.   He was annoyed to the old man

21. Who was the old man?
a.     Nasreddin’s father
b.    Nasreddin’s friend
c.     a roof-mender
d.    a roof seller
e.     a beggar

22. Why did Nasreddin go down the ladder?
a.   He wanted to get away from his work
b.  Because the beggar asked him to
c.   He wanted to speak to the beggar
d.  He wanted to take some roofs
e.   He wanted to go with the beggar

23. The following sentences are true based on the text except…….
a.     Nasreddin was mending his tiles when someone called him
b.    Nasreddin was happy with his work
c.     Nasredin didn’t look down when the old man called him
d.    The old man asked some money to Nasreddin
e.     Nasreddin asked the beggar to climb up the ladder

24. ………When he looked down, Nasreddin saw an old man in dirty clothes standing below.
      The antonym of the underlined word (DIRTY) is…
a.     Pretty            c. Clean           d. Good
b.    Fat                        d. Large

25. Reno prepares the goods he needs, because he…to abroad next week.
      a. Goes       b. Will go          c. Has gone      d. Went    e.   Is going

26. ……….is a place to buy stamp, envelope etc. Here, we can also send letters, packages, and so on. The place is…
a.   Police station
b.  Post office
c.   Supermarket
d.  Newsagent
e.   Pharmacy

27. When you want to cut your hair, you must go to…
a.   Sailor
b.  Tailor
c.   Carpenter
d.  Baker
e.   Barber

28. Someone who drives a plane is called…
a.   Driver
b.  Pilot
c.   Conductor
d.  Office Boy
e.   Teacher

29. Budi   : Hai Nita,
      Nita    : Hai, Bud.
      Budi   : I’m glad to introduce with you
      Nita    : I’m too.
      The word glad from the dialogue above is similar meaning with…
b.      Happy         
c. Disappointed
d.      Afraid          
e. Confident

30. There are small rooms for just one patient, slightly larger rooms for two, three or four patients, and larger rooms called wards, in which as many as 40 or 50 patients may lie in rows or beds.
      The antonym of the underline word above is…
      a. Large      b. Narrow         c. Heavy           d. Long     e. Funny

31. The following things can be found in the kitchen, except…
      a. Spoon            b. Fork     c. Knife            d. stove            e. Fan

30. X : Hi
      Y : Hi, How do you do?
      X : …
a.     I am fine
b.    I am very well
c.     How do you do
d.    I’m Ok
e.     You’re well come

31. Faiz    : Hello everybody?
      Aisya  : Hello
      Faiz    : How are you?
      Aisya  : I’m fine thank
      Faiz    : …?
      Aisya  : I have one brother and 2 sisters.
a.   What is your brother and sisters?
b.  Who is your brother and sisters?
c.   How many brothers and sisters do you have?
d.  How much brothers and sisters do you have?
e.   Do you brother and sisters do you have?

     Arfi      : Good morning?
     Azkia   : Morning
     Arfi      : How are you today?
     Azkia   : I am fine, Nice to meet you.
     Arfi      : …(Question 32)
     Azkia   : Thank you
     Arfi      : …(Question 33)

32.      a. Nice you too
      b. Nice to meet you too
      c. I’m ok
      d. Very well
      e. So far so good

33.      a. Thank you
      b. Thank again
      c. You are welcome
      d. I thank too
      e. Same-same

34. Jhon has lot money to buy a new car (positive sentence)
      Negative form of the sentence above is…
a.   Jhon don’t have lot money to buy a new car
b.  Jhon doesn’t have lot money to buy a new car
c.   Jhon didn’t have lot money to buy a new car
d.  Jhon does haven’t lot money to buy a new car
e.   Jhon do have’t lot money to buy a new car

35. Putu said “I’m writing a letter now” (Direct Sentence)
      Indirect sentence of the sentence above is…
a.   Putu said that I am writing a letter then
b.  Putu said that I was writing a letter then
c.   Putu said that she is writing letter then
d.  Putu said that she was writing letter then
e.   Putu said that she was writing letter now

36. Mr. Jasman said to his students “Don’t be lazy to learn”
      a. Mr. Jasman said to his students to don’t be lazy to learn
      b. Mr. Jasman said to his students that don’t be lazy to learn
      c. Mr. Jasman said to his students that no be lazy to learn
      d. Mr. Jasman said to his students that not to be lazy to learn
      e. Mr. Jasman said to his students no to be lazy to learn

37. Clean the blackboard “Mr. Dafa asked”
      a. Mr. Dafa asked clean the blackboard
      b. Mr. Dafa asked cleaning the blackboard
      c. Mr. Dafa asked to clean the blackboard
      d. Mr. Dafa asked him to clean the blackboard
      e. Mr. Dafa asks clean the blackboard

38. “Ahmad sent a love letter to his darling two days ago”.
       The NEGATIVE FORM of the sentence above is…
a.   Ahmad is not sent a love letter to his darling two days ago
b.  Ahmad does not sent a love letter to his darling two days ago
c.   Ahmad does not send a love letter to his darling two days ago
d.  Ahmad did not send a love letter to his darling two days ago
e.   Ahmad did not send a love letter to his darling two days ago

39.  Take look at the following sentences carefully. Which one is WRONG grammatically!
a.   Andi and Rina went to Sukabumi last night
b.  My aunt is cooking rice in the kitchen now
c.   Mr. Dodo goes to office everyday
d.  Dasep, Citra, Geboy, Rina is students of SMAN 1 Sgr.
e.   I get up at 5 o’clock every morning

40.  Teacher     : “Imam! You are late again. You may enter the classroom, but don’t do it again for next time.
        Imam       : …, I’ll never do it again.
a.   No problem
b.  Excuse me
c.   That’s ok
d.  It is all right
e.   I think so

41. Nadi     : Can you help me typing my English Task ?
      Rudy    : Sorry, I am not able to type it using computer.
      From the dialogue above we can conclude that ...
a. Nadi will help Rudi
b. Rudi has ability to type using computer
c. Rudi is very disappointed
d. Rudy does not have capability of typing using computer
e. Nadi is pleasure to ask Rudy

42. The following sentences are PASSIVE FORM,  except…
a. A dog is killed by the boy
b. Budi buys some books
c. A letter was sent by Erna yesterday
d. Some books are bought by my mother in the market
e. Putri is liked by all people

43. Eka      : I heard that you will join an English Speech contest in Sukabumi.
      Gea       : O yes, I will go to Sukabumi to join the contest next week.
     Eka        : I have no doubt on your capability in answering those questions.
      Gea       : Thank for your support.
      The underlined sentence expresses…
a.   Warning                      c. Command        e. Encouragement
b.   Sympathy                   d. Request

44. I heard that you will join an English Speech contest in Sukabumi
       The underlined word (heard) means…
       a. Knew                  c. Saw                  e. Watched
       b. Listened             d. Said

45. The following sentences are used for refusal request, except…
a. Sure
b. Sorry,…
c. No, I won’t
d. I’m afraid not
e. Not likely

46. Faiz bought TV set last week.
      The Passive Form of the sentence above is…
a. A TV set is bought by Faiz last week
b. A TV set was bought by Faiz last week
c. Faiz is bought TV set last week
d. Faiz was bought TW set last week
e. A TV set has been bought by Faiz last week

47. A : What do you think of this hotel service?
      B : ……………………………………………(expressions of complaint)
       a. Thank you for the best service
b.  I’m happy with this hotel service
c.  I’m not at all satisfied with this hotel service
d.  I’ll be back again anytime
e.  It is very satisfied service in this hotel

48. Neneng           : I’m sorry sir, I come late!
      Teacher          : No problem, Come in please!
      From the simple dialogue above, the teacher expresses…
a. Command                             d. Encouragement
b. Complaint                             e. Prohibition
c. Warning

49. Which of the following sentences belong to Prohibition expression?
a. Sorry, I’, forget                      d. Watch Out!
b. Stand up please!                  e. Be careful
c. Don’t be lazy!

50. To understand the significance of Lebaran, an understanding about the fasting month of Ramadhan is important.
     The underlined word has the same meaning (synonym) with…
     a. Need                                   c. Difference              e. Famous
     b. Importance               d. Similar

Text #5#
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on 14th of March 1879. Five years later, he and his family moved to Munich because of his father's new job. In 1901 he was being naturalized as a Swiss citizen. Eight years later as a Swiss, Einstein became professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich. From 1911 to 1912 he had the same job as a professor in Prague. In 1913 he was chosen to join the Academy of Science in Berlin. Einstein received his German nationality back in 1914. He worked for 19 years as professor in Berlin. He was able to be a special professor in Leiden, Holland, from 1920 to 1946 officially also, but because of his emigration, he didn't work for the university for a long time before 1946. Because of the NAZI's, Einstein renounced the German citizenship in 1933. He moved to the United States and worked as a professor in Princeton, New Jersey until 1945. He officially became American in 1941. Albert Einstein died on the 18th of April 1955.

51. When (in what year) Einstein moved to Munich?
      a. 1879 b. 1882        c. 1884         d. 1901        e. 1911

52. Einstein is a scientist in a field of…
a. Mathematics      c. Language                   e. Astronomy
b. Physics              d. Chemistry

53.  How long Einstein became a professor in Prague?
a. 1 year       b. 2 years      c. 3 years    d. 4 years    e.5 years

54. The following sentences are suitable/relevant with the text above, except…
a. Einstein was born in German
b. In 1884 he moved to Munich
c. Einstein also was a professor in Leiden
d  Einstein didn’t receive his German nationality
e  Einstein died in 1955 in America

55. My father buys new shoes……..colors is black and white
      a. Who       b. Whose         c. Whom        d. Which      e. Where

56. - My brother has a beautiful girlfriend
      - He met her last year
a. My brother has a beautiful girl who he met last year
b. My brother has a beautiful girl whom he met last year
c. My brother has a beautiful girl whose he met last year
d. My brother has a beautiful girl which he met last year
e. My brother has a beautiful girl whose met last year

57. The color of Elementary students’ uniform is…
a. White and blue
b. White and green
c. White and grey
d. White and red
e. White and black

          The sentence above expresses….
a.   Command
b.   Request
c.    Prohibition
d.   Complaint
e.    Instruction

59.  Seventy seven plus twenty three, minus fifty equal…
a. Twenty five                   d. Eighty five
b. Fifty                             e. Zero (null)
c. Seventy

60. The capital city of East Java province is…
a. Bandung
b. Semarang
c. Jogjakarta
d. Surabaya
e. Malang

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